

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Amazingly Cool Free Fonts Showcase

Graphic designers and artists are often struggling to find the right font to be used on a given design. In order to create great typography designers often resort to testing different fonts from their collection. This means that, the larger collection of fonts, the greater the chance that you will be to find the perfect one fast. It is generally a great idea to look at well crafted and inspiring typography as preparation for a new task. Collecting some cool typography ideas and techniques may work as a kick-starter and speed up your work. Further being on the lookout for free professional quality fonts is important to be effective once your own design work starts out. Many free fonts resources simply list tons of fonts in long lists, but a few include beautiful typography examples showing the fonts in full action. This is where hunting fonts and typography inspiration meet each other at your advantage! For this article, I have collected some really cool and useful fonts that all come with typography art examples. I expect this will makes it easier for you to pick the right fonts – would be great if all fonts were presented with typography examples like this! Most of these fonts are free to download and for commercial use. However please read the license terms before you use any of these fonts in your projects. Don’t forget to enjoy and share this article!

Stiff Staff font

Metropolis free font

CHE’s Bone – Free Font

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Thumbnail Screenshots by Thumbshots

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications Nag Screen

Microsoft has released WGA Notifications application which effectively turned Microsoft Windows operating system into a ‘nagware’, with a “This copy of Windows is not genuine” warning. What the Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications application does what it will check your Microsoft Windows XP validity. If it found that the copy of Windows XP is not validated, not genuine, counterfeit, unlicensed, pirated, illegal, unauthorised or simply failed the Windows Genuine Advantage validation process, then the notification messages will appear at various places and time. When you log on to a non-genuine copy of Windows XP,
the following notification error message
“This copy of Windows is not genuine” will pop-up on the logon process

Solution 1

    Lauch Windows Task Manager.
    End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
    Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
    Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
    Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
    Lauch RegEdit.
    Browse to the following location:
    Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
    Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
    Reboot Windows XP.

Solution 2

    1-Launch Task manager
    2-End process WGAtray.exe
    3-Quickly restart in safe mode.
    4-Click start, then Run. Type regedit and click ok.
    6-Click Software, microsoft, windowsNT, currentversion, winlogon, notify.
    7-On the right hand side find folder WGAlogon and delete it and all of its components.
    8-Restart in normal mode.
    9-Go to c:\windows\system32 and delete WGAtray.exe file.
    10-Next to it should be WGAlogon.dll, delete this too.
    11-Delete from recycling bin and reboot.

This should have solved the problem but i advise switching your automatic updates to
“Notify me but dont automatically download or install them”. This should advise you if your computer tries to download WGA again.

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Hacking Autorun.inf virus attack|Is autorun.inf virus?

Hacking Autorun.inf virus attack|Is autorun.inf virus?

When i studied second year(cse), my friends told that autorun.inf is virus. I thought so. Because my antivirus blocks autorun.inf files. In third year when i search about autorun.inf file in net, i realize about the auto run file. Today i bring some files from my college system. When i insert the pen drive in my system, there are lot of exe files.They are viruses. I delete all of them. Finally i opened the autorun.inf file in notepad and saw the instructions. Then only i remembered that i forget to post about autorun file. This article will give you complete details about the autorun.inf file. This is the instructions that saved in the infected(call virus programs) autorun.inf file:


is autorun.inf virus file? no. Then why antivirus block the autorun.inf files? Go ahead to know the full details about auto run file. Read more

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Create an AutoRun File for a USB Flash Drive

How to Create an AutoRun File for a USB Flash Drive

USB AutoRun is the term used when specific, predetermined digital content is automatically launched from your flash drive as soon as it is plugged into a memory port. The content can include items like a web page, interactive menu, multimedia presentation, a document, or an entire application. Creating an autorun USB drive allows for customization of content as well as the personalization of the title of your flash drive and its autoplay setup options.

Flash drive autorun has two primary purposes. First, it helps the user navigate the contents of the device with ease—a menu will quickly display all of the drive's files without any prompting on your part. Second, when the USB drive is distributed as a promotional gift, it provides a second layer of marketing on top of a branded exterior. The USB autorun can deliver web pages, commercials or special offers without the risk of users missing it or having to search for the flash drive's contents on your desktop or buried in My Computer settings.

NOTE: Keep in mind that Mac operating systems cannot use autorun, and it is believed they do so as a general security measure. Also Windows Vista and Windows 7 users are not initially set up for the command, but have the option to manually turn on autorun from the control panel. If you are working with a large quantity of flash drives, a custom USB duplication service can quickly handle your autorun needs. However, creating an autorun flash drive from the comfort of your own PC or laptop is also possible. First, you will need to open the text/HTML editor, Notepad, to make USB autolaunch work. The program is intended to provide a clean slate for the creation of code. You will also need your executable application or document you are wanting to open. Once in Notepad, type out the following text:



Then, save your Notepad file as autorun.inf under the flash drive's root directory. Make sure you don't have any spaces or illegal characters in the filenames so that they open properly.

If you feel like getting a little fancy, you can even add more like a company icon or use a long label to name the drive:

Label=My long drive name here

Here is how it would look copied onto your USB Drive. You may need to change the .ico file properties to Hidden to allow your autorun to work properly on most PC machines so Windows won't try to open them in a picture viewer.

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Virus set my files in all drive to hidden. SOLVED!

Virus set my files in all drive to hidden. SOLVED!

Usually when virus hide files and it also remove folder options it is much difficult to get the files quickly if one is in hurry.I’m going to tell the the way in which you can unhide all the hidden files.

Steps 1

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd
2. Dos will open type cd\
3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files lets 
  suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive
4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders   type E:\>dir/ah
5. Now type attrib *. -h -s /s /d
6. Now close cmd using exit command

Steps 2 (folder by folder)

1. Go to Start > Run > type cmd
2. Dos will open type cd\
3. Now type the drive letter in which you want to Unhide the files
  lets suppose in my case its E: this will open the E: drive
4. If you want to see all hidden files and folders  
   type E:\>dir/ah (*you will now see the files/folders 
   with hidden attributes )

5. Type “attrib [name of file/folder] -r -a -s -h” 
 if you’re going to unhide files, you should type 
 the whole name plus the extension (example: attrib banner.psd -r -a -s -h)
6. Now check you  drive.. it should be there